About me

My name is Laura and I am 37 years old.  I am married to the most amazing man and have been for the past 15 years.  Together we adopted a special needs kiddo who is currently 12 years old.  We live on the Seacoast of NH.

I have struggled with my weight my entire life.  I was never extremely overweight as a young child but always could use to lose a few pounds, however at that time I thought I was enormous.  I yo-yo dieted all through high school and struggled to maintain my weight.  When I turned 20 years old I started to gain weight at a very rapid speed almost 100 pounds within one year.  My mensus stopped around that time and I felt miserable.  I wasn't taking care of my body and I was indulging in way to many fast and processed foods.

My weight spiraled down hill, and I continued to gain weight.  Over the years I have been diagnosed with infertility, PCOS, Metabolic disorder, IBS,gallbladder disease, and I also have joint pain, severe feet pain, back pain, rashes and acid reflux. I tried every diet that I could get my hands on starting with "Deal a Meal" and ending most recently with Medifast.  I tried hundreds in between and none every helped me lose more than 40 pounds, or it was to complicated to follow all the rules or not sustainable with life. 

 I am unable to do the things that I want to do in life, because my weight limits me.  I have a dream to become a nurse, have children, adopt more children but my weight is in the way.  I have dreams of enjoying life to the fullest with hiking, kayaking, running but none of these I can do at this time.

The moment everything changed for me was the night that I was laying in bed with severe hearburn.  I couldn't sleep because the heartburn was burning and I was having reflux.  I had, had once again another dinner filled with high fat, high calorie foods.  I decided that night that I would not let another day pass without finding something that would help me out of this crazy food cycle I was on.

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